Azuma Co., Ltd.

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About AzumaAbout us

Azuma provides one-stop support for the chemical industry.
Introducing our corporate vision and group synergy.

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We support fine chemical industry in diverse ways.

Azuma Co., Ltd. President and CEO
Katsuya Yamazaki

Azuma Co., Ltd. President and CEO

Since starting the company in 1962, we have used ‘For the Satisfaction of All Customers’ as our motto, striving to surpass customer expectations at each step. It was not always easy but with the continuous support of our customers for over 50 years, we grown to where we are today.
Now, in these times of rapid economic and technological change, we have changed our business and its operations in order to clarify our CSR (corporate social responsiblity) and contribution to society in order to better meet the needs of our customers. We now hold the principes of ‘For The Satisfaction of Our Customers’, ‘For The Happiness of Our Employees’, and ‘To Contribute to Society’ behind everything we do as a business.
Azuma is proud to be the only company in Japan that offers such comprehensive ‘one-stop support.’ Our service is unique in the way it coordinates diverse fields in the chemical industry to offer services ranging from raw material preparation, custom synthesis and manufacturing to blending, packing, transportation and delivery.
It is our aim to continue evolving in order to meet our customers’ changing needs in a reliable, thorough and timely manner.
Azuma is the best choice for you.
We guarantee that we can meet your expectations, offering all the support you need in one place.

Group Synergy

We can offer one-stop support through our collaboration with our group companies.