Azuma Co., Ltd.

Employees only

Privacy PolicyPrivacy Policy

Azuma Co., Ltd. (as “we” in the following) recognizes appropriate protection of personal information from our clients to all the other subjects (as “subjects” in the following) who have provided us their personal information as an important social responsibility when handling personal information. We have defined the privacy policy by following the laws and regulations regarding personal information protection and establishing our own autonomous regulation system. We strive to protect the personal information of every subject.

Purpose of Personal Information Collection

Personal information collected will be used for the following purposes.

  • For providing services to customers
  • For notifying customers of appropriate services and new product information
  • For understanding customer satisfaction when conducting surveys regarding product-use conditions and environment.
  • For contacting and sending information to customers upon request.

About Disclosure of Personal Information

Under the following conditions, we can disclose personal information of customers without prior consent.

  • Requested by summons, warrant, official order and so on from governmental authorities such as police and courts
  • When it is necessary to protect someone’s life, body or property but it is difficult to obtain consent from the customer.

About Sharing Personal Information

Customers’ personal information collected from this website will not be disclosed, provided, sold or shared to a third party without prior consent from the subject.

About Personal Information Management

We conduct appropriate management of personal information and pay maximum attention to any leak, loss, damage prevention of the information.