Azuma Co., Ltd.

Employees only

Corporate InformationCompany

Overview of Azuma and introduction of our history and activities

  • Corporate Overview

  • Group Company

  • CSR

  • History

Corporate Overview

Azuma Co., Ltd.

  • Azuma Co., Ltd. Headquarters

    Azuma Co., Ltd. Headquarters

  • Headquarter Entrance

    Headquarter Entrance

  • Tokyo Business Office

    Tokyo Business Office

  • Tokyo Business Office Entrance

    Tokyo Business Office Entrance

  • [Headquarters]
    2-4-37 Tamasaki-Nishi, Ichihara City, Chiba 290-0044 TEL: +81-436-21-6555 (rep.) FAX: +81-436-21-6559
  • [Tokyo Business Office]
    5F Tekko-Kaikan, 3-2-10 Kayaba-cho Nihon-bashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0025 TEL:+81-3-6661-2098 (Main.) FAX:+81-3-6661-2149
  • [East Plant]
    50-3 Goi Minami-Kaigan, Ichihara City, Chiba 290-0045 TEL: +81-436-23-7852 (rep.) FAX: +81-436-23-2345
  • [West Plant]
    2-4-37 Tamasaki-Nishi, Ichihara City, Chiba 290-0044 TEL: +81-436-22-7511 (rep.) FAX: +81-436-24-3793
  • [South Plant]
    45 Goi Minami-Kaigan, Ichihara City, Chiba 290-0045 TEL: +81-436-20-7870 (rep.) FAX: +81-436-20-7875
  • [Central Plant]
    1-4-12 Tamasaki-Nishi, Ichihara City, Chiba 290-0044 TEL: +81-436-20-7135 (rep.) FAX: +81-436-20-4425
Company Representative President & CEO Katsuya Yamazaki
Capital 98 million Japanese yen (paid-in capital)
Foundation Date May 1, 1962
Employees 152 employees, as of March 1, 2020
Main Banks Chiba Bank Goi Branch Chiba Shinkin Bank Goi Branch Japan Finance Corporation Chiba Branch Chiba Kogyo Bank Goi Branch

Group Company

AzMax Co., Ltd.

  • AzMax Co., Ltd.
Capital 85 million Japanese yen (paid-in capital)
  • [Headquarters]
    1-6-13 Tamasaki-Nishi, Ichihara City, Chiba 290-0044
    TEL: +81-436-20-2660 FAX: +81-436-20-2665 URL:
  • [Tokyo Business Office]
    5F Tekko-Kaikan, 3-2-10 Kayaba-cho Nihon-bashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0025 TEL:+81-3-6661-1090 FAX:+81-3-6661-1091
CEO Katsuya Yamazaki
Foundation Date April 1, 1995
Business field Sales of silicon, organic metal, fluorine compounds, kits for food sanitation inspection/environment sanitation inspection
Employees 17 employees, as of March 1, 2020

Azuma Logistics and Warehousing Co., Ltd.

  • Azuma Logistics and Warehousing Co., Ltd.
Capital 85 million Japanese yen (paid-in capital)
Location 1-6-13 Tamasaki-Nishi, Ichihara City, Chiba 290-0044
TEL: +81-436-20-7055 FAX: +81-436-20-7056
CEO Katsuya Yamazaki
Foundation Date September 1, 1999
Business field Logistics business for chemical products
Employees 11 employees, as of March 1, 2020

Goi Bussan Co., Ltd.

  • Goi Bussan Co., Ltd.
Capital 10 million Japanese yen (paid-in capital)
Location 1-4-12 Tamasaki-Nishi, Ichihara City, Chiba 290-0044
TEL: +81-436-21-1931 FAX: +81-436-21-1915
CEO Katsuya Yamazaki
Foundation Date July 1, 1961
Business field Specified passenger vehicle transportation, general worker dispatching, other retail business
Full Employees 57 employees as of March 1, 2020



Business Vision

Why We Exist

Azuma Group exists to contribute to global industry and the development of a sustainable society through continually growing by meeting the ever-changing needs of our customers in the best way quickly, aiming for their high level of trust and satisfaction.

Our Treasured Values

Azuma Group believes in the possibility of every employee. To be able to take the initiative for trying to achieve a higher goal for self-actualization is what we value the most.

The Spirit of Our Business

  • 1) People-centered management
  • 2) Management that allows customers to ask for what they want
  • 3) Management that benefits ourselves as well as others, collaborating and coexisting prosperously with our clients (including collaborating companies)
  • 4) Management that takes quality, the environment and safety into serious consideration, contributing to the development of a sustainable society.

CSR Basic Declaration

~Aiming for independence and inter-dependence~

The development of each company of Azuma Group is based on people.
We believe in people-centered management.
Rooted in the the best traditions with an international perspective, always aiming to be the first, striving with continuous effort for originality, never depending on others and taking our own responsibilities seriously.
Achieving a prosperous coexistence by gaining wisdom, always respecting peace and valuing order, and being sincere with each other for a common goal.
We believe that by connecting diverse individuals, we can develop toward a brighter future.

The Value of Work

We cultivate a corporate culture full of vitality that’s worth being part of by respecting the individuality of each of our employees, sharing the joy of achieving each goal and boosting each other up.


We value courtesy and manners. We aim to build up a trustworthy and respectful relationship with all our related parties and individuals.


We believe that a flexible mindset and active information exchange can have a multiplier effect on the creativity and direction of activities and thinking of our staff, which helps to put all the elements together for a strong team.


In order to keep the organization vital and growing continuously, we encourage our people to take on challenges with innovation and speed and without fear of failure.


We recognize our own roles, aiming for independence gained through research, training and learning the knowledge and skills necessary for ourselves and the company.

~Aiming for continuous development of business~

As a company contributing to the development of sustainable society through continuous stable growth, each member of Azuma Group tries to reinforce their mutual trust with customers following global business practices. We have chosen 5 concepts that exemplify our vision of consolidating all companies and inviduals to work together toward common goals.


We aim to continuously raise customers’ level of satisfaction by providing high-quality products through understanding exactly what they need, while following instructinos carefully and constantly improving our technologies and facilities.


We treat the coexistence of business and chemicals with the natural environment as a major issue, with the aim of protecting and recovering the natural environment by preventing environmental pollution and effectively utilizing resources.


We make being accident free and disaster free our main priority, taking every necessary measure to ensure safety and hygiene of the working environment, security and disaster prevention, and the safe handling of chemicals.


We carry out business with open, fair and free competition and trade practices. We do not take unlawful actions and we always follow relevant laws and other agreements.

Local Communities

We recognize ourselves as a member of the community. We actively participate in regional activities, ensuring the peace and safety of the civic and community life. Information about our activities is open to the public.

Quality Policy

  • 1) Requests from customers are our priority.
  • 2) We aim to carry out our manufacturing and services through our effective management system.
  • 3) We seek to always learn in a creative way, making use of the most suitable technology.
  • 4) With speed and safety as our motto, we treasure harmony with others through communication with our customers.
  • 5) We seek to promote effective and continuous improvement by all members so that we can continue to raise our reputation.

Environmental Policy

Basic principle

‘Our group recognizes the measures we take for environmental problems as social obligations. We seek to contribute to creating a prosperous society and sustainable environment.’

Action Principle

  • 1) Obey environmental laws and third-party requirements.
  • 2) Environment policy should be known to all through education and propogation of environment management.
  • 3) Promote the conservation of resources and energy in our business activities.

RC (Responsible Care) Policy

Basic principle

”Implementation of the 5’z’


‘Know the basic rules and follow them, with everyone striving for zero disasters.’

Activity Goals

‘Achieve 5 zeros’ – Zero Disasters / Zero Trouble / Zero Complaints / Zero Emissions / Zero Illnesses

Good TRY Activity

In Azuma, activities involving education and training beneficial for the environment, health, safety and quality; predictions of unsafe incidents and risk; proposals for improvement, etc. are called our ‘Good TRY Activity’. Points will be granted according to activities carried out. Awards will be granted every half-year to the various departments.

Obtained ISO 9001

Azuma Co., Ltd. has obtained the international standard certification of ISO9001:2015 for quality management system.

  • Obtained ISO 9001
  • Obtained ISO 9001


1962 May – Established ‘Azuma Trading Ltd.’, which dealt in sales and delivery of various commodities to the Keiyo industrial area
1966 July – Company name changed to ‘Azuma Chemical Engineering Ltd.’
1968 May – Built plant in Goi Minami-Kaigan in Ichihara City, started acetic acid packing and filling.
1973 August – Received General Regional Motor Truck Transportation certification from Chiba District Land Transport Bureau
1974 October – Built West Plant at Tamasaki-Nishi in Ichihara City
1979 September – Changed from ‘Azuma Chemical Engineering Ltd.’ to ‘Azuma Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd.’
1981 April – Built cleaning facility for flexible containers in West Plant, operation started.
1986 May – Company name changed from ‘Azuma Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd.’ to ‘Azuma Co., Ltd.’
1987 July – Headquarters built and moved to West Plant
1989 February – Received certification to start warehouse business from Kanto District Transport Bureau
1990 March – Built washing facility for flexible containers at Tamasaki-Nishi in Ichihara City, operation started
1991 February – Built Kisaragi Office Research Building at Shiohama in Kisaragi City, operation started
1995 April – Advanced Products Division became independent, established AzMax Co., Ltd.
1996 August – New office building for the First Chemicals Division (East Plant)
1998 March – Flexible Container Division became independent and Azuma Flexible Container Maintenance Co., Ltd. established.
March – Tokyo Business Office opened
1999 March – The First and Second Chemical Divisions merged into Chemical Division
September – Freight Division/Container Division/Warehouse Division became independent, Azuma Land Transport & Warehouse Co., Ltd. established
2000 March – Obtained exclusive industrial land at Goi Minami-Kaigan in Ichihara City for South Pactory for Chemical Division
2003 June – Office building in South Plant completed
July – Central Plant for Chemical Division was built at Tamasaki-Nishi, Ichihara City
November Chemical Division registered certification for ISO9001
2004 March – First phase of South Plant completed
2006 April – Renewal of Central Plant completed. Measuring and blending business consolidated
April – Experiment building of AzMax Co., Ltd. completed, laboratory synthesis moved to West Plant.
May – Second synthesis building in South Plant completed
2007 April – Third synthesis building in South Plant completed
December – Added dangerous materials handling station and warehouse in Central Plant, consolidated packing business
2008 January – Fourth synthesis building in South Plant completed
March – Office building in Central Plant completed
December – Fifth synthesis building in South Plant completed
2010 July – Established lorry filling station in East Plant
2011 October – Renewal of East Plant completed
2014 February – Renewal of West Plant completed
2015 June – West Plant awarded ‘Disaster-Free Category 5 (Gold)’ by Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association
July – Awarded ‘Excellent Safety Management Workplace Award’ by General Incorporated Labor Standards Association of Chiba
2017 October – Awarded ‘Excellent Safety Management Workplace Award’ by Public Interest Incorporated Federation of Labor Standards Associations of Chiba Prefecture
2019 May – Awarded ‘Excellent Workplace Award’ by Ichihara City Fire Prevention Safety Association
July – Sixth synthesis building in South Plant completed