Azuma Co., Ltd.

Employees only


Azuma has made a name for itself in the chemical industry through its advanced technology and great flexibility.
To move forward and further up, we are looking for people who would like to take up this challenge with us.

For New Graduates

Job Opening Type Chemical manufacturing staff
Employment conditions Permanent employee
Working hours 8:00~17:20 (8 hours actual working time)
[Break times]
  • Morning 10:00~ 15 minutes
  • Lunch 12:00~ 50 minutes
  • Afternoon 15:00~ 15 minutes
※Our Manufacturing Division has introduced shift work.
Qualification Requirements Upcoming graduates of high school, university, or graduate school (chemistry-related major)
Workplace Plants in Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture
Starting salary
High school graduates
165,000 Japanese yen
University graduates
205,000 Japanese yen
Master degree holder
228,000 Japanese yen
Revision of pay scale Once per year (March)
Bonus Twice per year (July, December)
Various Allowances Post allowance, rank allowance, family allowance, kindergarten allowance, long-service allowance, accommodation allowance, house purchase allowance, shift allowance, overtime allowance, night shift allowance, commuting allowance (fully repaid), moving allowance (for new graduates)
Holidays Saturday, Sunday, National Holidays, New Year (December 30 ~ January 3)
Pay Leaves Annual paid leave – 13 days for the first year, maximum 40 days (including carry-over)
Half-day leave possible. Special leave (weddings, childbirth, funerals, etc.)
Insurance Welfare pension insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance, workmen’s accident compensation insurance
Welfare & Benefits Build-up savings, uniform lending, refresh assistance, skill up assistance, health care assistance, celebration benefit for entering company (for new graduates)
Recruitment results for new graduates (all types of employment) 4 employees entered in 2013 (male 4, female 0)
3 employees entered in 2014 (male 2, female 1)
3 employees entered in 2015 (male 3, female 0)
2 employees entered in 2016 (male 2, female 0)
3 employees entered in 2017 (male 3, female 0)
2 employees entered in 2018 (male 2, female 0)
4 employees entered in 2019 (male 2, female 2)
School of recruitment results for new graduates (all types of employment) Graduate school of Gunma University, graduate school of Ibaraki University, graduate school of Kitasato University, graduate school of Josai University, graduate school of Kanagawa University, Nihon University, Toho University, Chiba Institute of Technology, Tokai University, Tokyo Polytechnic University, Meiji University, Chiba Keizai University, Chiba Keizai College
Flow of new graduate recruitment ■Entry: Please apply through the home page of Azuma Co., Ltd.

■Company information session: emails will be sent to your PC email address. (around July)

■Company information session: introduction of company and visit to plants.

■Delivery of application forms
Please send your resume, transcript, certificate of expected graduation, and medical examination report to the following address.
(Addressee for sending application forms) Human Resource Division, Azuma Co., Ltd. 2-4-37 Tamasaki-Nishi, Ichihara City, Chiba 290-0044

■Examination: document screening, interview, written exam, aptitude test.

Verbal job offer
Enquiry: Human Resource Division, Azuma Co., Ltd.
2-4-37 Tamasaki-Nishi, Ichihara City, Chiba 290-0044
TEL:+81-436-21-6555 FAX:+81-436-21-6559
New Graduates Entry Form

For Mid-Career Professionals

Job Opening Type Chemicals synthesis staff
Employment condition Permanent employee
Working hours 8:00~17:20 (8 hours actual working time)
[Break times]
  • Morning 10:00~ 15 minutes
  • Lunch 12:00~ 50 minutes
  • Afternoon 15:00~ 15 minutes
※Our Manufacturing Division has introduced shift work.
Qualification Requirements Upcoming graduates of high school, university, graduate school (chemistry-related major)
Workplace Plants in Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture
Starting salary Good pay according to company regulations
Revision of pay scale Once per year (March)
Bonus Twice per year (July, December)
Various Allowance Post allowance, rank allowance, family allowance, kindergarten allowance, long-service allowance, accommodation allowance, house purchase allowance, shift allowance, overtime allowance, night work allowance, commuting allowance (fully repaid), moving allowance(for new graduates)
Holiday Saturday, Sunday, Public Holidays, New Year (December 30 ~ January 3)
Paid leave Annual paid leave – 13 days for the first year, maximum 40 days (including carry-over)
Half-day leave possible. Special leave (weddings, give birth, funerals, etc.)
Insurance Welfare pension insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance, workmen’s accident compensation insurance
Welfare & Benefits Build-up savings, uniform lending, refresh assistance, skill up assistance, health care assistance, celebration benefit for entering company (for new graduates)
Enquiry Human Resource Division, Azuma Co., Ltd.
2-4-37 Tamasaki-Nishi, Ichihara City, Chiba 290-0044
TEL:+81-436-21-6555 FAX:+81-436-21-6559
Mid-career Professionals Entry Form

Voice from Senior Staff