One-Stop Supporting
We support the fine chemical industry in diverse ways.
About AzumaAbout us
Azuma is a custom manufacturer that offers comprehensive support to the fine chemical industry. Advanced technological capability and flexibility are our strengths. Our experienced and skilled staff carry out custom synthesis of a wide range of chemicals and bring years of expertise in handling blending, filling and packing. We offer one-stop support for all our customers various needs, from lab scale for research to mass production. The flexibility in our operations allows us to offer various services at each step from the preparation of raw materials to delivery of finished products. Our thorough support helps lighten the burden on our customers.
Our ServicesBusiness
Introducing the business of Azuma which provide total supports fine chemical industry.

Facilities IntroductionFacility
Introducing the facilities of each plant that handle various contract projects and scale.

Corporate InformationCompany
Overview of Azuma and introduction of our history and activities

Azuma has made a name for itself in the chemical industry through its advanced technology and great flexibility. To move forward and further up, we are looking for people who would like to take up this challenge with us.